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How to Earn Yield While HODL'ing PLS
How to Earn Yield While HODL'ing PLS
How to Earn Yield While HODL'ing PLS
How to Earn Yield While HODL'ing PLS
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How to Earn Yield While HODL'ing PLS

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By Connor
Estimated reading: 3 mins
Updated: 06 Jan, 2025 (Posted: 17 Dec, 2024)
Park your $PLS

“The only people who get rich in crypto are founders and holders.”

Right now, we're in a bull run — which means one thing: a lot of people are chasing short term gains.

While that solution might suit your specific needs, the fact of the matter is that the #NeverSelling movement is about holding appreciating assets to earn more over the long term — especially since $PLS is still down from its previous all-time high.

But what can you do with your PulseChain tokens while waiting for them to appreciate in value?

The answer is simple: by using Liquid Loans, you can park your PLS to earn yield without having to sell.

Here's how.

The Most Common Mistake in Crypto

While crypto markets move relatively quickly, most holders find themselves getting bored during bear markets and sideways action.

As a consequence, they often make the mistake of cashing out as soon as they see a price uptick — even if they're down from their initial investment.

That's why Warren Buffett famously said that trading platforms like the stock marktet are "a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."

The same is often true in the crypto landscape, with impatient investors and traders often selling their coins before the real price appreciation begins.

But this means they may miss out on getting to build real wealth through their crypto positions.

For instance, how many people made the mistake of cashing out when BTC hit a high of $19,892 USD per coin back in 2017?

Today, it's worth more than 5x that.

But we get it; no one wants to leave their money collecting dust.

That's why Liquid Loans was invented: to give you a way to earn without having to miss out on potential price hikes in the future.

Putting Your PLS in a Vault

PLS Vault

The Liquid Loans protocol lets you park your PLS in a transparent smart contract known as a Vault.

In exchange, you get to mint a fully-backed and decentralized stablecoin known as USDL, which is pegged at a 1:1 ratio to the price of the US dollar.

This gives you a stablecoin that you can freely spend and trade, while getting to keep price exposure to PLS.

In other words: it's finally possible to have your cake and eat it too.

While your PLS sits safely in a Vault that only you can control, you can spend your USDL however you decide.

Best of all, you can even use the USDL that you take out to build a passive income stream through the Stability Pool — which is a free feature of the Liquid Loans protocol.

By using this secure and transparent tool, you don't have to let your money collect dust in order to keep holding crypto; you can earn and wait for future price appreciations at the same time.

Launch the Liquid Loans Dapp today to get started.

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