The top 5 LOAN Stakers have a combined 329 Billion LOAN token.
They have earned 244,242 USDL and 2.179 Billion PLS (71,449 USD at 0.00003279 USD/PLS).
We will look at each vault below.
Stick around until the end and we will talk about what happens when prices rise and how you can earn even more with your rewards.
Average LOAN Stake: 89.253 Billion
USDL earned: 65,945
PLS earned: 588.33 Million (19,291 USD at 0.00003279 USD/PLS)
Average LOAN Stake: 67.838 Billion
USDL earned: 50,313
PLS earned: 448.87 Million PLS (14,718 USD at 0.00003279 USD/PLS)
Average LOAN Stake: 64.693 Billion
USDL earned: 47,871
PLS earned: 427.08 Million PLS (14,004 USD at 0.00003279 USD/PLS)
Average LOAN Stake: 56.037 Billion
USDL earned: 41,521
PLS earned: 370.43 Million PLS (12,146 USD at 0.00003279 USD/PLS)
Average LOAN Stake: 51.634 Billion
USDL earned: 38,346
PLS earned: 339.92 Million PLS (11,146 USD at 0.00003279 USD/PLS)
All of these yields were earned during the bear market.
This means that:
If the price of PLS doubles from here:
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