So you have LOAN token but they aren’t showing up in Metamask?
Use this guide for the easiest way to import LOAN to your wallet.
The link for the Mainnet dApp is here.
Once you’ve signed into your wallet, click “Connect Wallet” in the top right corner of the dApp.
Choose Metamask Wallet or Other.
Click the LOAN token logo on the top middle part of the dApp.
Choose “Add Token” on your Metamask pop-up.
The dApp will confirm that the token has been added sucessfully.
For PulseChain Testnet v4, the token address is:
0xbe4F7C4DF748cE32A5f4aADE815Bd7743fB0ea51 with 18 decimals
On your Metamask wallet token page, click “Import Tokens”
Add the token details from Step 1 and then click “Add Custom Token”
Click “Import Tokens” and your balances will appear.
NOTE: Although you may not see your tokens in your wallet display, does not mean they do not belong to your private key.
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Connor is a US-based digital marketer and writer. He has a diverse military and academic background, but developed a passion over the years for blockchain and DeFi because of their potential to provide censorship resistance and financial freedom. Connor is dedicated to educating and inspiring others in the space, and is an active member and investor in the Ethereum, Hex, and PulseChain communities.