Join Crypto Coffee and Matt to talk about Bull Markets, Bear Markets, USDC regulation, PulseChain v3 and MUCH MORE!
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Matt: Hey Crypto Coffee great to see you thanks for jumping on the Liquid Loans Channel.
Crypto Coffee: Thanks for having me Matt always a pleasure.
Matt: Yeah we had one last year extremely successful stream thought we'd bring you back on haven't seen you for a while what's been going on in your world.
Crypto Coffee: It's been a minute, just surviving The Bear Market, you know survive till 25', that's the motto. So, just try and make it interesting and enjoying the pump obviously it's exactly what we needed, it's reinvigorating so you gotta love it and we're right on the verge of 6 cents [HEX price] now I feel like I'm gonna wake up and see another green candle tomorrow, it's a beautiful thing. I mean it might not last forever but uh you gotta enjoy it at least till maybe the end of the year if the Fed decides to push us back down again, but over enough time it's all gonna be great, the Bull Market is gonna come back and this is just kind of like the proof that everybody needed. To realize how fast we can run up in just a matter of weeks and just not to give up hope and cash out early or sell the bottom because I feel bad for anyone that sold three cents you probably feel real silly right now instead of dollar cost averaging if you were dumping, you're probably gonna have a bad time. It's just proof it's all about Diamond hands and it really does work. Delayed gratification is the only thing that works but yeah still excited about liquid loans obviously. I know that's your gig and curious to hear more about that if you want to get into that but what's new with you?
Matt: Yeah it's definitely exciting right because V3 Rumblings around the corner and of course I'll say liquid loans we're gonna have to redeploy contracts and we're waiting for that so we're all on the edge of our seats. With this latest pump it's definitely positive. Do you think it's a bit of a fake out or do you think this could be the start of of the bull market?
Crypto Coffee: When I see like mainstream Nobel Prize Wing Economist saying it's a bull trap I'd definitely take the other side of that. These guys don't know what the hell they're talking about 90 percent of the time. I mean it's a problem, I don't know, call it a bull trap if you want but I think the bottom for hex there's a good chance it's in. We haven't heard Richard come out and say it's the bottom for Bitcoin yet he's also not a prophet but it could easily things could go lower for Bitcoin just based on the way that everything is leveraged but yeah there's there's been some chaos in the market lately too with the SEC Banning stablecoins going after centralized Services, got to be specific about that, but the market doesn't seem to care it's pretty great and as an unintended side effect for them this might end up pushing more people into real DeFi there's so much going on there's Bitcoin, has nfts, I guess that's news or whatever so I mean Bitcoin just sucks more now probably right it's just slower and worse than it already was being clogged up with monkey pictures so that's what's going on it's not gonna just be infinite pump Parabola up from here just like I said that we can't ignore the fed that's going to be very bearish in the second half of the year whether it's June July August the next fed meeting is not till March 21st and people are predicting they're going to do a 25 basis point increase then and almost entirely just relies on the fed and the CPI at this point and just those numbers along with the unemployment numbers. There's little dials that the Federal Reserve can turn to try to get inflation under control quote unquote and you're always gonna have Doom and Gloom people saying that we're screwed and if you scroll back in some of these people's history right people make money off of just always posting that everything is on the verge of Apocalypse forever right and the broken clock is right twice a day so they play into the fear narrative and it's strong and sticky for a lot of people because we have a reaction to it as human beings but if you look at how far cryptos come there's no slowing it down in terms of the Innovation side right it's literally Unstoppable from a code perspective you know my greatest fear at the end of the day is Will America basically regulate itself to death and force entrepreneurs like you and myself to have to move outside I'm not even sure if you're from the States you don't sound like it but uh okay maybe if I had to guess you can yeah yeah okay yeah so you know it's a clown show over here but no worse than the clown show over there or the clown show going on anywhere else in the world so yeah we've already opted out we're already in the parallel Financial system I don't know uh basically you just gotta go where you're treated best from here um yeah but talking about price you know it's it's fun we might pump up to 10 cents if the V3 test that announcement aligns with you know this current bullish sentiment that we're already in I mean we could probably go even higher than 10 maybe even 15 but uh I wouldn't bet on that right I would just say Enjoy the Ride till mid-march and uh watch the FED watch what they do If the Fed does 25 basis points and CPI comes out even lower maybe that's a good thing right but uh the CPI numbers were weird I did not account for it was a really tricky one with the CGI this year right because uh inflation was lower for the seventh consecutive month month year over year right but it was also up five percent from last point five percent rather from last month so that's a good thing and a bad thing but it was also higher than expectations on both fronts now apparently the market doesn't give a as we've already seen and what these expectations are also subjective anyway right but Mark expected 6.2 we had 6.4 but hey last month the year over year was 6.5 so technically we still went down um I'm not coming down as much as probably the FED would like to see uh but things also take time to trickle down you know the federal funds rate the scarcity of money takes time to infiltrate into the market but that's not the CPI data what I didn't account for is yeah we're only averaging over one previous year of inflation data but on top of that they give a lot more weight to the housing sector and specifically uh owner owner equivalent rents that's a statistic that accounted for a much larger portion of the CPI data than in previous months and they gave lower weights to things like used car sales for example so um this is going to you know it's interesting to speculate what's the what is this going to do to the markets right like giving housing more weight in your inflation data is going to highlight the fact that housing is still really really high that people can't afford it so you know people are renting the the dream the American dream of buying a house even with a four-year University degree and a dual income no kid household still very very household very very hard to uh afford to put a down payment on a house and then pay a mortgage or you know God forbid take out a 30-year adjustable rate mortgage right but uh yeah it's all it's all chaos right now I don't know where I'm going with this um we'll just have to play it by ear see what happens just know that you're opting out into real defy you're going to be safe from a lot of this regulation and uh all the chaos that's going on around us.
I mean it's things are changing like exponentially as you said and we can see that with you know less people well I mean it's nearly impossible to buy a house a lot of the time. Especially for people coming out of University and the UK and the US are very similar like that a lot of people are not having opting to not have a family right because they can't really afford it and they're like I'm not gonna have a family and I can't buy a house it doesn't look bright at all. The Shining Light On The Hill seems to be DeFi it seems to be crypto where again you have to be careful there's lots of scams and what's not but if you pick a a good protocol like Hex like PulseChain, PulseX, all this stuff, then there is an actual possibility to earn yield and but obviously we need to tip the balance so more people find out about it and I think that in the next full run we're going to see that you said something about 2025. Do you think that's what we're going to really see the peak of the next Bull Run?
Crypto Coffee:
Yeah, I find it hard to imagine coming off of a decade or more of zero percent interest rates. Basically, money was free to borrow, and we had steady GDP growth, but nothing crazy, nothing phenomenal. And that was under zero percent conditions. Now we're gonna have four or five percent conditions for a while, right? And the FED "pivots" - it doesn't mean they just start going back down, it means they stop raising. So, we could have that prolonged period of higher interest rates, which would force companies to be more productive, essentially, or get washed out. We'll find out who's really caught with their pants down, you know, at the end of the day. Because like we've seen from a lot of thes companies already - Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter especially - Twitter fired 90% of its workforce, and Twitter objectively is working better than it ever has. It has more daily active users than it ever has. Depending on how you talk to - I mean, some people are like, "Yeah, it's about claim, their shadowbanned, you know, and they got 25 followers, 'Oh, I'm shadowbanned.' Maybe just make better tweets, bro." But at the end of the day, like a lot of these jobs are jobs. It's finally coming for White Collar America, and they're going to be feeling it too. So it's starting to scare a lot of people, I think. If you have to have a day job at this point in time and you're stacking paychecks dollar-cost averaging in the crypto, try to make sure that you are not fireable, that you're not expendable, so to speak. I know a lot of these jobs are, but hey, there doesn't seem to be any shortage of them either. So we haven't really felt the pain of layoffs or any of that stuff yet, and that could happen. It's something that's totally unpredictable, right? It could be really bad, it could be not so bad. Housing still has to come down, but I don't know. I don't know what to say about this. I'm just calling, I'm just kind of repeating what I see online, right? I don't have all the answers, but I don't think anybody does either. So what frustrates me a lot is when I see people online claiming that they know things absolutely for certain, right? You should always be skeptical of people like that. Those are the kind of people that delete their tweets two weeks later when they were wrong, right? And they're gonna feed you the meat grinder. So be okay with uncertainty and learn how to thrive in a very uncertain environment right now.
Matt: Unfortunately, people often follow the most confident, because they don't want to do the work themselves and make the decisions. So, when someone on Twitter or CNBC confidently predicts what's going to happen, many people tend to believe them. As you mentioned earlier, there are also people who profit off of this fear-mongering.
Crypto Coffee:
I will confidently tell you that I don't know, and I think that's why you should probably not follow the people claiming that they have a crystal ball, so to speak. Like, I'll tell you what I don't know, I'll tell you what I do know, but at the end of the day, the outcome is not good right now. But it's just a matter of how much worse is it going to get before it gets better. A lot of people are predicting 2024 would be kind of a range-bound year, taking into effect the effects of inflation, and I think a lot of people are finally just waiting on housing to crash. I know I am. As a millennial, every millennial that I've talked to is just hoping and praying that housing prices come down because they're inflated astronomically. Yeah, that'd be a great opportunity for all of us to diversify, so to speak.
Yes, hold until we see more pain in different markets and then scoop up some discounts. But, if I'm wrong, please correct me. I think you've handled the bear market pretty well because you pop up, make content, and I see you post here and there on Twitter. But sometimes, you're just like, "Right, I'm off, I'm going to do myself." And I think too many people are like this. Listen, we love crypto, we're talking about crypto now, but it's not everything. How have you handled the bear market and how do you unplug and make your content, reply on Twitter, talk, get involved in discussions, but then get away?
Crypto Coffee:
Well, I go through phases, right? I was on Twitter all day today, literally like all day. And it was, uh, but it was good. It was positive. And I was on Twitter more so because the price was pumping and everybody was all, all nice and Kumbaya today because we all kind of feel what's coming, right? But yeah, in that situation, it's fun to be a part of the hive mind and to, you know, show gratitude for the situation that we're all collectively in where we think we're going. But, you know, this isn't my first bear Market either, right? I've been around since 2015. I started crypto in a very much Market had no idea what people were really talking about with their pessimism. Uh, got a real taste of what pessimism was like in 2017-2018. And, um, you know, the second or second and a half time around, it just gets easier and easier because when you realize the fundamentals, you know, you can't, it's, it's like something with no off switch. Public blockchains have no off switch. They can't be stopped. Uh, governments can try as much as they want, but we're innovating far faster and beyond what anybody could ever regulate. So, um, you realize that crypto really is the biggest innovation since the dawn of the internet. It's, there's no going back. And I think once you realize the fundamental truths about crypto, you can sleep a lot better at night knowing that delay gratification is the only thing that works. That's the only way people get rich. I mean, Richard Hart says Founders as well, but even 90% of Founders probably don't get rich unless they literally rug pull or steal from people and do something kind of Nefarious. There's a lot of coins that we call it silent evidence, right? And it seem to let a bunch of dead bodies that nobody talks about because we really like to highlight the winners. You know, some people say, "Oh, meme coins pump so hard." Well, you're ignoring the hundreds and thousands of mean coins that fail miserably. Remember, uh, was that one TV show that got really popular with that where they were killing everybody? It's a good game. Remember squid games? Yeah, yeah, biggest scam of the, yeah, one of the bigger scams of, uh, I would rock this live on air, yeah, yeah, exactly. So, um, it's not just an automatic rule, you know, that mean coins pop, but basically you see so much coming and going crypto and you're able to say, "Well, you know, I've seen this before. This I've seen this narrative. I've seen this scheme." A lot of it is just reloading scams, right? They'll come up with a different project with the same exact parameters and tweak the name, tweak the logo. Sometimes it's even the same group of people behind it and they hop around from coin to coin. Now there's a whole new breed of NFT scammers and stuff, but, um, you know, when you're trying to survive the bear Market, you're better off just not paying attention. Uh, to Twitter a lot of the time or to anybody selling your shiny object syndrome because people start to grift in bear markets, right? They get bored and then they feel the scarcity mindset and they feel like they have to grift and take away from other people by inventing the shiny object that they don't even believe in themselves, right? We've seen this over and over and over. A new one gets pitched to us every two to three weeks, maybe even more often than that. I don't pay enough attention to all the crap that's shoved down people's throats. But yeah, you're always gonna have people hiding in the shady alleyways of the internet saying, "Hey man, I got some Altcoins for you. You want to come check it out? Like, I got a real cheat, man." People need their fix, so it really is kind of just a dopamine addiction. And the faster you can get off of that, I recommend just muting everybody that doesn't serve your interests, right? Or that isn't nobody with no followers, no profile picture, not working on anything, not building anything cool, just new people, right? You don't need to argue with random strangers on the internet unless there's something to gain, which 99% of the time there's not. So yeah, I think people just need to become a bit more mature in their online behavior patterns. Look at your Twitter, you know, hours per day. Your iPhone will show you. Just scroll left. Your iPhone will show you how many hours a day are you wasting your life? How big of a piece of are you? And then maybe it gets me hot wheels, like working out, getting the bed early, maybe even just if you've been better off just playing video games through the entire bear market and just buying and holding, rather than trying to keep up with all the news and everyone's opinions and everyone, the new coin of the day. You would literally be better off just like even like just getting drunk every night at the local dive bar. Like that sounds terrible, right? But it's like, and the more you pay attention to just all this crap that's kind of forced down your throat, and where you think you have to act and do something, when really all you gotta do is dollar cost average. You can sit on your ass and, you know, thank me in three years, thank yourself in three years, right? I'm not a guru, I'm not a teacher. We all have the ability to do this, but it's easier said than done for people, especially in their first cycle. So I guess I'm a little empathetic towards that, but you gotta be self-aware of what games you're getting pulled into.
Yeah, I think what you said is so true. Like, you need to treat Twitter like you would in real life. Like, if I was bumping into negative people in the street or friends of friends who are negative, I just wouldn't hang around them. I just feel like I'm off, right? But if they're cool and they're positive and they bring something to the table and they bring value, cool, let's hang out, let's chat, let's go hiking, let's play sports, whatever, let's go for a drink. And I think so many people get so emotional, and it's like if someone has a different opinion, that's fine. They don't have to believe the same thing as you. And I see a problem, I see not, not with all hexagons, but some hexagons, is that when people, you know, they don't agree with hex or they don't, or maybe they just, they don't get it, instead of saying, hey, let's talk about it, watch this, watch Coffee's video, or watch one of our streams where he explains it, they just start, you're an idiot, you don't understand this, and that never helps anything. That never turns anyone on.
Crypto Coffee:
That's all right. I mean, you're not going to onboard everybody, but there are eight billion people in the world, and only 0.00001% are in HEX, so there are a lot more people who haven't heard about it than have. Yeah, and you're not going to get everyone on board. A lot of people still think crypto is a scam; a lot of people still think Bitcoin is a scam. I know a lot of people around my parents' generation that wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. But you know, working nine to five their whole life, they're in the rat race, and that's okay. Not everyone's going to see that. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink, right? So at the end of the day, it's like the psychology of a troll. You gotta understand where they're coming from. It's basically, misery loves company. If you bring yourself down to their level of consciousness, that's exactly what they want. They want to pull you into their pit of despair and doom. So you just don't participate, ghost trolls, because the one thing they feed off of is literally your attention, your consciousness. Don't give it to them, and then we could all work on being better people, even the trolls might have a chance.
Yes, you have to ghost people who don't serve you and bring more positive people into your life. The good thing about the internet is that anyone can be your mentor now. Before the internet, the only mentors you could have were probably elders, parents, uncles and aunties, and school teachers. I have people who I listen to on YouTube, Spotify, and other platforms, and I've never met them, but I consider them my mentors because I've learned so much from them. With the bear market, it can be brutal, and arguing with people about your bags being down can just increase cortisol in your body, which is completely negative.
Crypto Coffee:
Yes, one must be a lifelong learner and keep an open mind. It's important to admit that you don't know everything. Personally, I wouldn't call myself a guru or mentor, but I do believe that I have things that people can learn from and I'm open to learning from others as well. You just have to express what you believe to be true and be willing to update your worldview if it's proven otherwise. Richard often emphasizes the importance of updating your worldview. Critical thinking involves routinely analyzing your own thought patterns, so I try to teach others to do that. As the saying goes, "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
100%, and you have to be a lifelong learner. One of my favorite books is a book on Zen Buddhism called "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind," and it says you always want to have a beginner's mind because the beginner doesn't know anything and wants to learn. The expert thinks it knows everything and then obviously closes itself off, so yeah, always have a beginner's mind and always keep learning. How do you learn best? Videos, books, reading?
Crypto Coffee:
Audio books for sure I recently learned that or had a realization that reading sucks and that audio books are a way better way for me personally. Hey maybe you like reading but if you find an audiobook for it you go you could be going to the grocery store and learning at the same time. You can just have that on in the background like pay for YouTube premium close your phone and just listen to stuff when you're at the gym or when you're on a long drive otherwise it's just wasted time right? Yeah I don't really watch a whole lot of content anymore though I will here and there just to try to stay up to date but the more content you're creating the less you really have time to consume so it's also information overload you get all this information and it gives you this false sense of security that you have more control over the outcome of what's happening next. It doesn't do that at all it doesn't really help you at all especially the more angles you're taking information from you're either going to make an irrational decision based off of a whim or an emotion or it'll be paralyzed by analysis. So, I think we all need to just consume and learn less to your degree sounds weird to say but you know find some people that you look up to but try to learn yourself just be on your own journey. Experiential knowledge is going to be worth way more than any textbook or even any YouTube guy can teach you.
Yes, going deep on a good book is better than reading 10 mediocre books and trying to do one chapter of each a day. With the internet, we have so many platforms to consume content from - YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc. The way we're served content can be overwhelming, and it's easy to get shallow information. I don't even go on TikTok at all because it's just too much. It's just buy this, invest in that, buy Dogecoin, etc. You need to learn less but go deep. Dig into a trend really deep on one thing, rather than trying to consume everything.
Crypto Coffee:
It's possible to be a generalist and a specialist. You could be a jack of all trades, master of none, but then you also want to niche down when it's important. For example, in crypto, your goal is to get rich, and that can happen in crypto, so you might want to deep dive in crypto. But all the other generalist information that you've accumulated over the course of your life can also help you in unexpected ways. Just knowing psychology, macroeconomics, or sales, for instance, can help you craft a narrative. So you have to be both. It's kind of ambiguous; there's no easy answer. That's the paradox of life. Everything is both.
Nothing is black and white, and I think a lot of people, including myself when I was younger, because life can be so complex and chaotic, we want black and white. We want someone to tell us, you know, this is the way, this is the right way, this is the wrong way. And unfortunately, everyone's life is different. Someone who's a millionaire now, who's 60 years old, maybe their information on how they became a millionaire is irrelevant to you. It's a different time they live in, a different part of the world or a different part of the country. So, like you said, yes, you should learn multiple things like marketing, sales, psychology, crypto investing, but then know when okay, I've got enough of this, and I need to really double down on crypto or whatever's your passion. So, everything's nuanced in life, and unfortunately, no one wants to hear it, and that's how marketers make their money a lot of the time. With like, if you see a diet product, it's like take this shake in the morning in the evening and lose 20 pounds in one week and stuff like that because they want to make it simple and dumb down and this is the one thing that works, but in life, it's really multiple shades of gray.
Crypto Coffee:
Yeah I would you say it's even 50 Shades of Gray sir yeah no it's um you have to like you're not gonna get rich buying Coca-Cola stock you're not going to be Warren Buffett like that's just not a thing anymore you have to adapt to the new age. The internet dawned this new era, a new type of person. I think you have to be able to filter through a lot more information than you know maybe our parents or grandparents ever had to so you know Charlie Munger Warren Buffett they talk about Bitcoin and crypto all the time but guess what they're about to die so this is the new era guys we're living in a crypto world with the internet we have magical internet money and it's better than the government's magical made-up internet money because we have math trust more than men and just again it goes back to just try to choose what you feel and know to be true through your experience too now if you ever used dollars have you ever gotten rich off of you know investing in traditional vehicles like I'd be lucky to get four percent a year triple your money in a decade maybe whereas you can triple your money in a weekend in crypto. We're still so early and the opportunity is right in front of us that in my experience this is the best way to get to Financial Freedom so that ultimately you can do whatever else you want to do you can help other people if you want to start a longevity you can do that you can literally do whatever I mean you could do a rehab clinic or pay people to discover new scientific advances that just mold the world how you the world that you want to live it right Elon Musk is kind of an example of that you might not agree with uh what he chooses to put his money into but he's making the world um better in his own frame of reference right he bought Twitter as a way to basically foresaw a threat to freedom of speech sorry about Twitter to try to expose some of that corruption and maybe help it help the the cause a little bit uh he wants to be a space-faring civilization I'm not even that interested in going to Mars but he thinks it's important so he's working hard and getting rich in order to fund SpaceX and things like that you know I think his cars are awesome so love him or hate him like that's just an example of what you need to do as a man or as a woman whatever if you want to have an impact on the world and the way that you think the world should be wrong if somebody armchair quarterbacks out here that just point their finger and say oh you should have done this you should have done that meanwhile they haven't done a with their lives you know like they worked their nine-to-five job and basically like they're just a of the Rat Race like their boss is telling them what to do they're upset they want to come home and vent on Twitter complaining about Twitter on Twitter that's the funniest part right but uh I'm just ranting about you what do you want to talk about Liquid Loans?
Yeah man yeah let's let's go into it. Well I mean we're waiting for V3 to come out. Actually what do you think about V3? How close are we because we keep getting all these updates from Richard and then you know two three weeks four weeks...
Crypto Coffee:
Yeah you think we're off I'm waiting for that bug to be fixed like all you guys but it won't be long after we get a little tweet that says bug has been fixed I'd say a couple more days and then Testnet V3 is out I'm not a developer but I don't imagine it would be too much of a change on you guys because it's still solidity code. It's still relatively an EVM compatible blockchain. Yeah, the consensus is different but the the state and the code itself that you're running. I don't obviously think there's going to need to be a lot more testing right on V3 not only for your protocol but for everyone that's building I don't foresee a lot of issues happening just due to the fact that it's kind of the same code either way.
Yeah I mean it's going to be the same code so but there will be a significant amount of testing that needs to be done because I've heard some people on Twitter and I think they're just deluding themselves because they've been waiting so long. But I've heard a few people say I think we're going to go straight to mainnet and obviously anything's possible but I think that's going to happen man there's no way. Richard is going to go straight to mainnet like after all the testing yeah?
Crypto Coffee:
Yeah plus there's all these protocols like you need to run some tests I don't you might have to update your integer values to accommodate all the extra zeros or something little tweaks like that but I imagine most people that if you were running fine on Testnet v2b you're probably gonna be okay for V3 we're not going straight to mainnet of course I don't know that for a fact but I wouldn't get delusionally optimistic you know I am an optimist but I'm not delusional.
Yeah, I think people just want some more hopium because it's been such a brutal bear market.
Crypto Coffee:
I mean I don't know how much like we've got a nice little pocket of uh uh seemingly bullish sentiment across the board even the major stocks for a while um just enjoy it you know if you want to take some profit before the FED crushes us again maybe maybe do that um totally up to you guys but I mean just enjoy the pump right now I think uh I think it's only a small taste of what's to come
Yeah well whatever's happening is better than obviously the red days and the red months that we've uh all been accustomed to and there's bullish News man like whatever happens yeah they found a bargain they're fixing it but V3 is closer than ever and obviously with V3 coming out you know it means main Nets even closer so um yeah a lot a lot of bullish sentiment you can see that on Twitter you can see people like you said being more Kumbaya everyone getting along um compared to the implosion what do you think about the Hex Community because you've been in it since the very beginning uh in 2019 and here we are beginning of 2023. What's the big difference?
Crypto Coffee:
Community is awesome. It's so much better than when we started. We've seen many people come and go. The bear market filters out those who aren't serious or aren't cut out for it. From three years ago till now, it's getting better every day. It's verifiable on-chain. You can look up Twitter analytics or Lunar Crush. Hex dominates everybody's engagement all across Twitter. Even Ivan on Tech posted about Hex, and overwhelmingly, the comments in the chat were in favor of Hex. This is the only cool thing happening, and we're all still here, yelling about it. Kudos to everyone who is patient and still pumping their bags, getting the word out there, and helping others get onboarded. These next couple of months are critical for onboarding people if they don't want to miss out on potentially life-changing gains.
Obviously, tops are made by people who fomo in, but this is really the time to be onboarding. If you buy at the top, you might be lucky to get a 2X and then your euphoria will make you hold it all the way back down to 90 again. That's what bear markets do; they wash out market participants that didn't delay gratification. If you weren't staked in Hex, there's a good chance you're not still here. It's a game of attrition, but I see more and more quality people coming up to the table, speaking their minds, and starting channels, whether it's YouTube shorts, TikTok, YouTube channels, or even just Twitter.
Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people are actively vocal about what they believe in, censorship-resistant peer-to-peer money, time-locking, trustless yields. These are real innovations happening right now, and it's amazing to see so many people excited about such technical innovations. We all realize the power it has to make people financially free. More and more people are onboarded, and yeah, you're gonna get some detractors along the way, but the snowball's already rolling. It's not really gonna get any smaller.
You can't knock the Hex and the Pulse community. The engagement, the passion - it's something to behold. I'm not in other communities that much, but who's having meetups around the world and doing all this stuff? What do you think about V3? Obviously, if V3 does come out, let's say we see V3 in the next month. How far, I know it's all speculation, would you think we'd see mainnet? And do you think Richard doesn't care about launching in the bear market?
Crypto Coffee:
I think people will tell themselves different things about timing the market, but it's ready when it's ready. It's as simple as that. It's the most boring answer, but it really is ready when it's ready. I think any one of these previous six months, or even the next six months, are a totally fine time to launch Pulse Chain, because I don't think we're going to be seeing all-time highs anytime soon this year at least. Yeah, we might pump pretty hard, but all-time highs not so likely. So, I mean, I think we've got plenty of runway in which to launch Pulse Chain so that we still launch in a bear market.
Technically, there's no market timing to my knowledge, and a lot of people like to think that there is. But, no, it's just learning new stuff, making new improvements, switching over from Binance Smart Chain clones to Ethereum 2.0 clone. That was a big setback, but also big improvement at the same time. So, I'll probably add another six to eight months worth of development work right ever since that decision was made maybe four months ago. Yeah, we are where we're at. There's nothing we could do. It's outside of our control. Again, the only thing we can really do is outreach adoption and prepping to make a better user experience. You know, stuff that you guys are doing for a better user experience on Liquid or on Pulse Chain. We need all types of protocols that replicate the traditional financial system, and lending is a really good one. Stablecoins are another really good one. So, kind of killed two birds with one stone there.
The FTX Fallout, I think the SEC is just flexing his muscles right with the Busd thing with Paxos and then what's the latest one is that the one?
Crypto Coffee:
Well we're currently there's rumors that USDC got a Wells notice meaning that yeah SEC intends to sue them unless they have a compelling they have a chance to respond with a compelling reason why they shouldn't be sued and USDC is backed by Circle which is backed by BlackRock who's been having meetings at the SEC and they're probably the closest tied to the SEC so I can't imagine that these rumors of them getting sued are gonna go anywhere I I kind of feel like there's enough together yeah yeah they've there's been enough uh you know stuff going on behind the curtain where feel like they're gonna be like if not the CBDC they're going to be one of the only U.S approved CBDCs Centralized stablecoins I don't know it seems weird but you know it's all it could just be for show too it could just be a regulation theater I guess hey look we're doing something we're on top of things guys we've got this under control you know never mind block five Luna Celsius Voyager FTX forget about that but we we got it covered now.
I think it's theatrics I think it's just trying to show that we are here for the people and then they'll give them a slap on the wrist right find them a couple of million dollars or 10 million dollars which is nothing and and we'll carry on.
Crypto Coffee:
Yeah, for sure. It really comes down to education. We gotta educate people that great power comes with great responsibility. And I think that's the route that we're taking, which I really do believe is the superior route. If the alternative is more regulation and more enforcement, no, I'm in favor of educating the people on how to use this stuff and how not to use it. That's going to go way farther than having some three-letter agency be your crypto Daddy and tell you exactly what to do.
I heard this ridiculous, and not to get political, but I do believe that the left is going to start an attack on crypto in the coming election. It doesn't seem to be a bipartisan issue, unfortunately, where both parties agree, at least in the U.S. But I heard some garbage about how crypto was positioned as being financially uninclusive, not financially inclusive, which is the polar opposite in real life. El Salvador, Africa, Argentina, countries that are hyperinflating, whose currencies are hyperinflating due to the fact that they're heavily in debt to the US, whose currency is also inflating. Well, all the countries that we have economically enslaved are basically at inflated levels of risk. You're gonna know, pun intended, but because they're all at such high risk of their currency, I mean Argentina's dollar, peso, whatever it is, it lost 99% of its value in the last year. That's really bad. That's where crypto comes in.
And there's people in El Salvador literally using Bitcoin Lightning Network, love it or hate it, but they're using the Lightning Network every day to pay for their daily transactions. That's the most financially inclusive you can possibly get. It levels the playing field for everybody to get in, even the poorest of the poor. And so they're going to start to say, "Oh, well, crypto, look at all the people that lost money in crypto. They were all poor and minorities, and you should feel bad about that." Really, the people that are the most poor, that need crypto the most, are actually getting it. They're getting this privilege to use it, and they're going to have the opportunity to have a quality of opportunity, basically, not a quality of outcome, but they're getting the opportunity to have opportunity, which is a beautiful thing. And I think that maybe we should prepare for that kind of narrative coming our way because they're going to try to fight it, regardless. We've already seen the SEC, which is really just a regulatory agency. It's not too political. They just want to keep themselves alive. They just want to save face. They want to look good.
But when it comes into politics in this next coming election, it's going to be kind of interesting. I think it's just foolish to stifle innovation for any reason at all. So, you know, it'd be like censoring the internet because they were afraid that the news would go to waste. It's like, yeah, the news has gone to waste, and it should because it's garbage right now. We've got Vice and Freeform, what's it called, independent journalism on the rise, and that's an amazing advancement, right? Yeah, so that's just what I've been thinking about all day, I guess.
it's interesting right but you say that sorry just interrupt but you're talking about the left you know coming pushing this narrative and I read this in Psychology in a psychology book a while back at another time when people go hard on one narrative it's actually the opposite right so the person for example the person who's been caught cheating is the one who's blaming it or is cheating is blaming their partner for being a cheater you know what I mean because they're trying to they're attract all the bully is really a really insecure little kid inside because they're trying to uh go above and beyond to hide the opposite so the left or whoever who is like crypto is not inclusive it's it's discriminatory and all this stuff a lot of the time because they're trying to hide their own things that they're doing right that's uninclusive or...
Crypto Coffee:
people love to project um the yeah point fingers but we're in the then they fight you staged and it's all about control at the end of the day nobody wants to give up control and people are gonna have an aneurysm but you can simply opt out if you choose assets like pulse chain and hacks things that are actually decentralized you don't have to care about any of that anymore absolutely
well listen let's end this on a positive note hold some chains are close than ever has your strategy changed we want to hear some uh some veteran advice from someone uh who's been in heck since the beginning what are you going to do when pulsechain mainnet goes live?
Crypto Coffee:
I love this question because everybody gets so worked up about it ah what am I gonna do what am I going to do like it's like as if you have to do something at all you don't have to do anything that's that's pretty cool right like you can just sit back and wait if you don't have your PLS bag if you don't have your pulse X bag yet you can wait to dollar cost average in uh during the inevitable dip that almost every cryptocurrency experiences when it first launches right they all experience a dip so then one or two months if you wanted to scale in to pulse and pulse X I think there's gonna be an opportunity if you want to be super super duper risky in the 48 hours before the bridge I'd recommend using a limit order and then doing a little bit of math uh you know division multiplication stuff you can do on a calculator and try to figure out at the time you know how much hacks or whatever other coin do you want to swap for how much PLS or pulse X and just make sure you're getting a good deal and if the math is too hard then don't do it because you're probably going to make a huge mistake that you're going to regret um but if you want to talk more about that join my patreon but I know really there's not much to do um everyone's you know looking what do I do what do I do and it's really just pack your bags and wait a couple of years and enjoy the ride and then focus on adoption onboarding and pumping your bags
Exactly, sensible advice said by a wise man listen man. This has been great, for anyone who's watching who doesn't know who you are I'm sure a lot of people do most people do where can they find you where can they find out more about you online?
Crypto Coffee:
Crypto Coffee 369 on everything. Twitter and YouTube primarily, if you're brand new to crypto I've got a course Very cheap, a lot of bang for your buck, takes you from Zero to Hero if you know nothing about crypto you'll know almost everything you need to know regarding hex and the staking ladder strategy. If you've been in crypto for a while and you just want to hang out or talk strategies right like Buy and Hold for example you can join my patreon and we could just talk hang out. I mean I answer all kinds of questions right there you know I don't have enough time in the day to answer questions from all my DMs so it's just a way to filter out you know people that are actually serious about collaborating or bouncing ideas off of each other. Consider my patreon is also crypto coffee 369 so thanks for the opportunity thanks for having me on.
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